Recruitment fraud

Scam Notice

At Gate Bioscience, the security of our employees and candidates is a priority. Recently, we have been made aware of certain unauthorized individuals falsely presenting themselves as recruiters as part of online scams or phishing attempts. We will never request sensitive information such as your bank account information, social security number, or other non-publicly available information during the application and interview process. If someone asks you for sensitive information, we strongly advise that you assume that individual is not affiliated with Gate. Some things to watch out for:

  • Gate and any recruitment agencies authorized to represent us will NOT charge or collect any fees or require any money deposits from jobseekers at any stage of the recruitment process. Gate does not request or require personal documents like bank account details, tax forms or credit card information as part of the recruitment process.
  • Our hiring process involves more than one interview (virtual or in-person). Gate will not request an interview on any instant messaging applications.
  • Beware of vague job requirements or job descriptions. If you are concerned regarding the legitimacy of an open role at Gate, always check our company's careers website for the roles that Gate is currently recruiting for. If the position you are being contacted for is not listed on this site, then it is mostly likely not a legitimate open position.

Helpful Tips for Avoiding Employment Scams:

Check out the Federal Trade Commission's helpful website with information about avoiding job scams.

What To Do If You Believe You've Been Scammed:

  • Stop all contact with the scammer immediately.
  • If you believe you were a victim of such a scam, you may contact your local authorities.
  • You can also report it directly to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center.
  • You also have the option to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.